Everyone Has a
Story to Tell
Here you’ll find inspiring stories, educational tips and updates from the Get Back Up Today community. Want to share your own story with the world? Click “Share Your Story” and tell us how you’ve worked to “get back UP!”
Wendy Garrett
I used to think I was invincible. That was, of course, until a chance accident left me without the use of my left leg. Little did I know that I would soon begin a three year-long journey to even get a proper diagnosis of my injury—let alone return to an active,...
Greg Brown
To me, Get Back Up means empowerment and courage - the courage to take on a disability and show others that it can't keep me or you down. I feel I have become part of a special group of people that can use this disability as a learning tool to keep moving forward....
Claytons Never Quit!
My son is a talented athlete, holding national records in discus and long jump. He loves to sing and loves being outdoors. He is a caring brother and a loving son, and can be extremely sweet (when he wants to be!). He is also a pediatric stroke survivor! I’m...
Erin McGinnis
I did it. I finished my very first half marathon at Disneyland and can’t wait to do it again. I absolutely never expected to do this. I am 68 and never was athletic, we did not have gym when I was in school and there were no sports for women. While I did consider...
Craig Vogtsberger
I stood on the side of the mountain looking back to how far I had come. I was tired, exhausted, and in pain. I was done. Standing here, the incline was so steep, I could only place part of my boot in the snow. I’m glad I had the trekking poles. Those and my good...
Gaelyn Cokayne
Gaelyn lives in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa. A few years ago, she was unhappy with her weight and decided to exercise. While exercising she was experiencing pain in her lower leg and was told it was tendonitis and instructed to rest for six months. This...
Billy Lister
When I was 15 years old I was diagnosed with a rare and acute brain abnormality known as an Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM). To address this life threatening malformation, I underwent invasive brain surgery at the age of 16. The surgery was a success in...
Steve Lovelace
In November 1982 when I was 20-years-old, I was cutting down a huge tree. Suddenly, the tree split into two halves, fell down, and pinned me in between the two halves. This broke three of my lumbar vertebrae, bruised my heart, and crushed my left wrist and face. I...
Katie McKenzie
In August of 1997, when I was 11-years-old, I was hit by a car while running on the sidewalk to transfer city buses in Downtown Honolulu, HI. This accident led to both of my legs being broken, a broken pelvis, traumatic brain injury as well as being in a coma for a...